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This California Bakery is serving up Emoji Donuts

This California Bakery is serving up Emoji Donuts


One of the most popular emoji icons is now a bonafide donut - thanks to the bakers at Rancho Santa Margarita, California's The Doughnut Parlor. Probably a huge step up in taste compared to the poop flavored frozen yogurt that was featured on Comedy Central’s “Nathan For You” episode.

Owner Adam Vaun says the poop emoji donut has rapidly become its most popular donut quickly, probably due to the fact that people are texting it to their friends the minute they see it. The delicious/hilarious-looking donut is a dense chocolate cake donut covered in a rich dark chocolate icing, with a spiral of chocolate buttercream to act as the poop. Those eyeballs are edible too, as they're made from candy.

If The Doughnut Parlor's poop emoji donut becomes even more successful, it might soon become the most Instagrammed food. Move over Unicorn frap, and make room for delicious chocolate “crap”  lol

The California Diet of 2017

The California Diet of 2017

The Ultimate California Diet


Food is everywhere – and everywhere you go has its own culture, flavor, and inspiration. Every geographical location is known for its unique foods that the locals love. When you think of Texas, you think of mouth-watering giant portions and spicy, robust, tex-mex. When you think of New England, you think of the freshest lobster, crab, and shrimp. California is full of cultural diversity and all of the foods and flavors that follow. From Mexican to Indian, whatever your palette craves is bound to be obtainable. Now here are our picks for what we think comprises the stereotypical “Ultimate California Diet”.



Avocados. Fresh, creamy, delicious avocados. Doesn’t just thinking about them make you want to go whip up a bowl of fresh guacamole and dig in with an authentic freshly made tortilla chip that has been ever so lightly salted? Avocado consumption has been steadily rising over the years. In fact, Americans have doubled their consumption of avocado over the course of the last ten. Where did this surge in avocado consumption come from? That’s right. Californians. For years before it became a trend, Californians were slicing up this delicious health food for salads, making the freshest, most drool-worthy guacamole and slathering it on their eggs. Californians are such trend setters and we all reaped the benefit with this one.


Mexican Cuisine

Next up, AUTHENTIC Mexican cuisine. You will never find Mexican food anywhere else in the United States as legit as you will in California – especially southern California cities like San Diego, L.A., and Indio. You have never had carne asada, pollo asado, chorizo burritos or horchata until you’ve had it in SoCal; and don’t even get us started on the tamales. Californians can be total foodies. They have the multi-cultural flavors of the world at their fingertips, and they agree, there is no better Mexican grub than right in their back yards. Locals flock to tamale festivals and Mexican themed food venues often to get a taste of this delish dish. There is one down-side to eating the best Mexican food the U.S. has to offer – if you’re not local, you’re definitely going to be mourning the food when you leave.



California and wine go together like chips and salsa. You can’t have one without the other. For as long as time, California has been known for its sprawling vineyards and gorgeous wineries. People flock to the stunning mountain valley views, where rows of lush green grape crops ripen in the California sun. Beautiful Napa Valley welcomed 3.3 million visitors in 2014 alone. Wine is one of the biggest food industry symbols of the state, clearly, and understandably so. Who doesn’t love a glass of wine and beautiful scenery?



We simply cannot write this post without including fast food. California is full of diverse dining options, but a few of the fast food chains are extremely popular and well-known; so well-known in fact that we have decided that our favorite belongs in this post as part of the “Ultimate California Diet”. Ready for it? In-n-out. Such simple ideology, but the most amazing burgers you will EVER eat. Fresh, made-to-order, and melt in your mouth…sorry. Totally daydreaming. Don’t forget to ask for the secret menu items (which are now posted on their website menu – not so secret anymore). Ask for “animal style” burgers and fries. A gooey cheese avalanche with caramelized onions and other special secret ingredients is piled on top of your burger and fries and will send you into the most glorious food coma of your life. Yeah, you can thank us later for that tip.



Last but not least, the health food craze. It is no surprise that our whole country has seemed to jump on the health food trend bandwagon. From chia seeds to taking daily shots of apple cider vinegar, people are on board to better their health and be more conscious of what they put into their bodies. California is pretty trendy, and a lot of these trends came from the sunny state. Californians are very health conscious, fashion forward, and earth-friendly – thank goodness for the rest of us, they are all about spreading the love and have graciously let us participate in their super-cool, super-trendy food craze.

5 gorgeous places to propose in California

5 gorgeous places to propose in California

Top 5 California Destinations to Consider When You’re Ready to Pop the Question

California is full of incredible places to visit, explore, dine, lodge, and make memories. How are you supposed to choose the absolute perfect place to ask what may arguably be the most important question you EVER ask in your entire life? It is common knowledge that tying the knot is stressful, but deciding where to commence this new life chapter doesn’t have to be! Below we have compiled a list of the top 5 California destinations to consider when you’re ready to pop the question. These potential proposal sites are sure to leave her speechless- after she says YES! Don’t take our word for it, take a look for yourself.

1. Urban Light at Los Angeles County Museum of Art – L.A. County, CA

Ok, this one is for the art loving partner. Trust us when we say that there is just something about lighting when it comes to romance. Some prefer ambient lighting, some prefer shimmering bright lights. This display at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, located in the BP Pavilion, takes romantic lighting to a whole other realm. Imagine it; the two of you hand in hand, admiring the artistry and strolling beneath the night’s star littered sky after a memorable one-on-one. You come to a breath-taking display of 202 beautiful nostalgic cast iron antique street lights. She gasps in awe of such a tranquil yet thrilling visual. You get down onto one knee, profess your love, and she is smitten. She will never forget this place, this moment, this feeling. She is going to say yes. How could she not?!

2. Santa Monica Pier – Santa Monica, CA

If you and your love enjoy thrill-seeking together, the Santa Monica Pier may just be the perfect place to pop the question. When the time comes, you’re more than likely going to be feeling butterflies- the nervous kind. Then again, you’re a thrill seeker, so maybe you’re not. We digress. If you do however happen to be feeling a bit anxious, blame it on the coasters. If you’ve got iron clad self-esteem (go you!) and nerves of steel, you’ll get to hold your love tight while laughing and reveling in the night life and thrill rides. Take a stroll to the end of the pier and do your thing, or if you’re feeling particularly uninhibited take a ride to the top of the ferris wheel and watch her heart skip a beat when you pull out that beautiful symbol of your love and ask her to be your wife. You’re welcome.

3. Hotel Del Coronado – Coronado, CA

Perhaps the love of your life is a timeless beauty, appreciates class, a modern day Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe. The Hotel Del Coronado is so unique, so classic, so full of splendor. Situated on Coronado Island, this destination is a guaranteed win. If you were debating between taking her to a nice restaurant, strolling along the beach as the waves softly roll into the shore, or taking a weekend getaway trip, consider your predicament solved. Dine high-class at one of the resort’s seven dining venues, take a long walk on the beach (don’t forget to check out the ocean wildlife in the tide pools), and stay for a romantic weekend to celebrate your new engagement. This stunning place will never disappoint.

4. Balboa Park Casa Del Prado – San Diego, CA

Balboa Park covers 1,200 acres of land and is known for its historically rich art, theatre, and botanical venues. Old Spanish architecture stands tall and grand, gracing the park with a unique beauty not common in such populated urban metro areas. The famous historical Casa Del Prado is a regal Spanish renaissance style building skillfully completed over 100 years ago. The Prado allows pedestrians to walk through the center of the building by passing beneath a giant arch that has been carved out in intricate detail. The elegance alone of this venue is enough to insight a lifetime of nostalgia, but with the added bonus of Balboa Park’s surrounding horticultural displays, this one is sure to please.

5. Napa Valley Wine Train - Napa, CA

All aboard! You may be thinking this one is a stretch; how could a locomotive possibly be romantic? Well trust us, this pick isn’t only romantic, it is truly one of a kind. The majority of the Napa Valley Wine Train was built in 1915 and has been preserved to maintain its classic charm. Should you board this private reserve train, you will be delighted to find that you will be served a gourmet dinner, enjoy a wine tasting, and get to be surrounded by some of California’s most attractive scenic backdrops. Wine country is known for sophisticated class and romance, but she will never see this unique twist coming.


Urban Light at LACMA

Santa Monica Pier

Hotel Del Coronado

Balboa Park

Napa Valley Wine Train

15 Things I Would Change About California

15 Things I Would Change About California

15 Things I Would Change About California

The Cost

If I want to buy a house in California, in a neighborhood I like, where the people I love are currently living, it's going to cost me over a million dollars. WHAT?! Yes, it's crazy. However, we can always hope for a natural disaster to bring those prices down!

More rain

This is a serious one. California in dehydrating to the point of no return. We've manipulated our planet to the point of exhaustion, and we should be managing it better. No more green lawns, definitely no more swimming pools, and ten minute showers for the win.

Slightly warmer water  

When it can still reach over a hundred degrees in the winter, you'd think that our water would play along. Some of us would be more inclined to venture out into the ocean if it felt like bathwater, so why can't climate change just hurry up!

Snow on the hilltops

This sort of goes along with the whole “more rain” section. What I love about California is that you can surf in the morning, and allegedly go skiing in the evening, but that doesn't happen any more. Thanks to the drought, our mountaintops are empty, leaving a vast gap in our ecosystem and our hearts.

Less bears

Bears are scary. Bears are literally the scariest things in the whole world. Forget extremism, or humans being crazy, I'd rather meet a nutter in a dark alleyway than a bear!

Make it illegal to abandon pets

When Quentin (nicknamed Cretin, for how crazy he is) showed up in my life, I felt like he filled a gap I never knew was missing. He was so small and malnourished, and we're still taking him back and fore to the vets for check ups. The thought that someone out there had owned this animal, and then allowed it to disappear without so much as a post on Facebook, disgusts me. Shame on you, whoever you are!

Shorter line at In-N-Out

Costco on the westside of LA also plays host to In-N-Out. Until they fixed up the entry, it was a clusterf... cars would be lined up all the way down the block to get into this delicious burger heaven. I have never, ever seen less than five people/cars in front of me at In-N-Out. If you're visiting, it's definitely worth the wait.

More live music (cheaper)

Great Good Fine Ok are playing the Troubadour in January. They are a relatively new band out of New York, and are absolutely fantastic. The cost of their tickets? $12, plus a booking fee. Perfect. I'd have paid $45 to see them! It's a neat venue, with great sound, and a history that lines the walls. However, I would not pay $145 dollar for a booth at the Hollywood Bowl to see Weird Al. That is extortionate... so I got my buddy Karl to give me a ticket for free.

Less chance of a tsunami

As a geographical scientist, I know how easy to predict an earthquake. By “easy” I mean impossible, and by “predict” I mean have a rough idea of maybe potentially guestimating the likelihood. You can't predict earthquakes, and you cannot say that we are “overdue”. All we have to do is sit here and wait to die.

More days off (in order to spend at the beach)

I truly believe that Americans work harder than any other nation on the planet. I don't just mean this in terms of physical work, but mental work too. As a new country, America still has something to prove and they're doing it amazingly. Sure, it might just be my experience down here in the little Liberal bubble of California, but I honestly think Americans work harder than any other race. However, I wouldn't mind being able to take a few more days off, as well as letting my friends do the same.

No earthquakes

See above. They suck. They're scary. I want my mummy!

Another Getty!

Two just isn't enough. In a recent chat with one of the original architects of the Getty Centre, I realized that Californians need more outlets for their art (as if we don't have enough). We need places to see Banksy that are free, and won't be taken down by the local council. We deserve widespread availability of international and historical works that are endlessly beautiful. Another Getty is just one option, right?

Monster Munch availability (British potato chips)

There are a wealth of foods that did not make the transition from the UK to America, and these beautiful pieces of puffy stinky lovely are just one of them. Along with Monster Munch, are Fish and Chips (and don't lie and say that America has fish n' chips, because you don't), a full Sunday Roast, Green Pot Noodle, Lucozade, Marmite, a proper cup of tea, and a great Indian curry!

The stigma against Budweiser

I know, I know, I know, it's almost as bad as Pacifico – which I also love – but I like Budweiser. It's cheap, it's cheerful, it does the job. I never really drink any more, just because I have so my work to do, so sometimes I want to treat myself to crap!

GO AWAY, 405! You're just the worst. Ergh.

    Insider's Guide To Joshua Tree!

    Insider's Guide To Joshua Tree!

    A unique desert oasis ~ 3 hours from San Diego | 2.5 hours from Los Angeles is among our favorite escapes.


    Joshua Tree is home to one of America's 58 National Parks and stretches 1,234 sq miles across southern California. It's characterized by rugged rock formations and stark desert landscapes. Named for the region’s twisted, bristled Joshua trees, the park straddles the cactus-dotted Colorado Desert and the Mojave Desert, which is higher and cooler.




    Our Favorite Things to Do


     Sunrise is something ALWAYS waking up for..


    Joshua Tree National ParkAwesome place to free climb, hike, camp, go off roading, etc. Basically pick any rock formation and climb it to the top. Jumbo Rocks, Hidden Valley, Keys Ranch, Keys View, Barkers Dam, etc. They each have their own different terrain and landscapes. Take any dirt road to go off the beaten path if driving 4 wheel drive.

    Giant Rock - located in California's Mojave Desert, is roughly seven stories high and covers almost 6,000 square feet. Some say it is the largest freestanding boulder in the world.

    Joshua Tree Farmers Market - Cute little Farmer’s Market in downtown JT. Usually happens on Saturday mornings with a couple of dozen vendors, fresh fruits and veggies, and little nick-knacks to take home with you.

    Noah Purifoy Foundation - This is a very interesting place. Must see to understand.

    Joshua Tree National Park Store (Coyote Corner) - Great shop to buy JT souvenirs and t-shirts before you leave!

    Gallery 62 Art Tours - Always check out the local artists. JT brings some unique inspiration to the table
    Joshua Tree Music Festival - Twice a year, come experience a friendly global music experience

    Our Favorite Places to Eat

    Pappy & Harriet’s - Usually best to call in advance to make reservation. If not just go there grab a cocktail and enjoy the outside patio area. Our personal favorite’s delicious BBQ racks of ribs, the chicken bowl, and of course the mac and cheese. It’s always packed with great live music and those Wild West vibes.*

    Pie for the People! - Great Pizza spot, if you are looking to chill back at the house with friends and do your own desert experience, or bring back to your campsite etc.

    Joshua Tree SaloonGreat spot for some middle of the day brews after a long hike in the park. Great time if you enjoy a happening spot filled with townies and tourists. Friday night karaoke is never something you want to miss. Make sure to order the (Desert Donkeys) desert version of Moscow mules. They have a great outdoor area filled with picnic tables and live music.

    Crossroads Café & Tavern - Eggcellent breakfast selection.

    Country Kitchen - Tiny place with some good homemade food. Serving breakfast all day!

    La Copine Kitchen - Yummy Brunch 



    *Not technically Joshua Tree - Located one town over in Pioneer Town


    Our Recommend Places To Stay




    Air B&B Houses - There is a slew of VERY unique homes that add to your JT Experience. Check out our top ones!

    Campsites - Because what is better than a night under the stars?!

    In Park - These fill up quickly so book in advanced

    Outside Park - Always good to have a back-up plan. Cell service is spotty once there

    Pioneer Motel - Iconic motel serving as the set for many Western films boasts cozy, rustic rooms with kitchenettes

    Joshua Tree House - a 1949 house, and a 1958 casita, and redesigned each space with a 'slow' pace in mind

    Joshua Tree Inn - The Inn has long been known for the warmth, charm, and comfortable lodging it provides for guests visiting California's extraordinary Mojave Desert

    Spin & Margie’s Desert Hideaway-

    Mojave Sands Hotel - built in the 50´s, and hosts just five rooms. It has been called "an Eco-chic Moroccan Desert Refuge

    Sacred Sands Bed & Breakfast - Poised on a hill at the west entrance to Joshua Tree National Park, Sacred Sands offers luxury accommodations unlike anything in the high desert.

    Our Favorite Views



    Blog Post Written By: Chelsea Rocheleau - Roaming Travelers

    Instagram account - @Chelroch

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