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This small town in California grows thousands of different flowers

This small town in California grows thousands of different flowers

The Striking Flower Fields of Carlsbad, California

Flowers is one of the most beautiful gift that nature gave, and seeing a field of it will really be captivating. Every time we see beautiful flowers, we often react instantly with a smile. Some studies even found out that having flowers on a person’s sight can make him less depressed, anxious and agitated. "Flowers bring about positive emotional feelings in those who enter a room," "They make the space more welcoming and create a sharing atmosphere,” said Dr. Haviland-Jones.

Southern California is really blessed to have several fields of flower in it. One of the popular field is found in Carlsbad, California. Visiting the Flower Fields of Carlsbad,California is an out of the ordinary way of enjoying nature’s beauty, it’s a trip to wonderland. In this 50 acre fields blooms stripes of rainbow color flower each spring. This stunning field is a result of 100 years of cultivation. This floral cultivation began with Luther Gage, an early settler and horticulturist that settled in the area in the early 1920’s.

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The flowers that grow here are from the buttercup family- Tecolote Giant Ranunculus. This is one of the finest strains of ranunculus plants in the world. Originally the flowers were single petal and ranged in shades of red and yellow. The variety of colors and richness that is seen today is due to the carefull selection done by Edwin Frazee. There are other thing you can visit on site including the miniature rose garden and the All-American Rose walk-of-fame that features 170 All-American Rose selection winners since 1940.

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If you really love the flowers and would want to share it with your family members back home, or bring some of it to someone sick and wouldn’t be able to visit the place, fresh cut flowers are available for purchase along with potted plants, bulbs and a variety of other items. This will make them feel that they were able to see the place and will also help them feel the same positive vibe you felt during the tour.

There are few does and don’t on the field that we must take note before visiting the place. Here are some of it:

1. Bring or wear a sweater of light jacket as it might be breezy when walking up the hill.
2. Wear sunglasses and comfortable slippers as it is an open area and you’ll do some walking.
3. You may bring your own food if you want as there are several picnic areas on the sie.
4. If a wheelchair is needed, please do bring your own as there are no wheelchair that can be rented on the site.
5. Be sure to bring extra cash as there are some activities that have additional fee.
6. Make sure to bring your camera as photo opportunities are endless in this 50 acre property.

1. Pets are not allowed unless they are certified support animals.
2. Vehicles are not allowed in the field- just service and farming equipment. Tractor Wagon rides are offered for a low cost for those who would like a trip around the fields and/or for those who may have trouble walking. Wagon rides are wheelchair accessible.
3. No Smoking
4. No alcoholic Beverages
5. No Bicycle, hoverboards and drones permitted.

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The field also offers group tours and it includes:

• History of The Flower Fields
• Planting process and growing cycle
• Description of the varieties of flowers grown
• Short walk up a gentle slope (at your group’s pace)
• Relax on chairs to enjoy the beautiful ocean and flower views
• Browse and shop at the Armstrong Garden Center and Gift Shop
This is a guided tour for 30 to 45 minutes but expect that your tour might take up to 90 minutes.

Here are the ticket prices for you to prepare for:
• $14.00 for Adults,
• $13.00 for Seniors 60+,
• $7.00 for Children 3-10,
• Children 2 and under are free.
• For group tours, advance reservation is required

These is a really nice place to bond with your loved ones. So, if you are planning to visit the place, best time to view the flowers is usually mid-March through Mid-April. But, due to the change in weather conditions, these dates may vary.
From the efforts or Luther Gages, Frank and Edwin Franzee and several others in cultivating this flower beds, arise one of San Diego’s most enduring and remarkable landmark. This fields shows nature’s ability and the diligence of its pioneers.

Why Not? 10 Reasons Not to Move to California

Why Not? 10 Reasons Not to Move to California

Why Not? 10 Reasons Not to Move to California

Moving from a place to another is not new to most of us. There are several factors why people decide to move out or in to a place- economic, social, political, environmental. One might move to find a better career path or forced by his employers to move to the company’s other branch or office. When moving to another country, especially when it is from a continent to another, the most common reason is to look for a better quality of life and/or be with their loved ones.

California is a country reach in different cultures as it shares border with Mexico. It is also deemed to be the most populous state in United States, having Los Angeles as its most populous city. Unlike other states, California has either a long cold weather or very hot summers due to its size. The cool California current offshore often creates summer fog near the coast. Farther inland, there are colder winters and hotter summers.

California might be rich in culture, traditions and attraction, the state is never perfect. So with this, we have listed 10 reasons not to move to California.

  1. Fault Lines, Tsunamis and Wildfires

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California’s coastline is in the “Ring of Fire”, a string of volcanoes and sites of seismic activity, around the edges of the Pacific Ocean. So basically, the place is prone to earth quake. The worst part is, San Andreas Fault can also be found in the state. After earthquakes, the next possible thing that might happen is a tsunami. We know that the state is near the Pacific Ocean, having this said, tsunami can really strike California really hard.

Aside from this environmental events, Wildfires are also common. Since temperature in the state can extremely be hot, and there are lots of forest and vineyards, fire can easily start- even one cigarette bud can do the job.


  1. Tax Rate

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Tax rate in California is the highest on the nation. The statewide tax rate is 7.25%. In most areas of California, local jurisdictions have added district taxes that increase the tax owed by a seller. Those district tax rates range from 0.10% to 1.00%. In effect, some areas may have more than one district tax. Sellers are required to report and pay the applicable district taxes for their taxable sales and purchases.


  1. Traffic

asphalt, automobile, buildings

Since the population in this state very high, expect a great number of vehicles on the road. Some says that unless you’ve ever lived in Los Angeles, you aren’t allowed to say “traffic was so bad today.” On most of the parts of LA, you can only go 5 miles in every 45 minutes.


  1. Crime Rates

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There’s no place safe as of these days, but, since California’s population is getting higher and higher, the recorder crimes are also increasing. Illegal immigration gave a significant impact as well as it brought the Mexican drug war to streets. Since crime has gotten really bad in Stockton, a city in California, the police put up a billboard stating "Welcome to the 2nd most dangerous city in California. Stop laying off cops."

  1. Not good for small businesses

It is that California is the 48th worst state in the nation for business, following only New York and Hawaii. The relatively high rate of tax really affecting and destroying the small businesses. With this employment rate is also affected. As Mark Meckler wrote, besides the “business unfriendly tax rates of the Golden State and the enormous cost of living,” there’s also the ever-present “anti-capitalist activists who have wreaked havoc on companies.”


  1. Expensive Housing

architecture, buildings, city

When tax is high, almost everything follows. If you don’t own a house, knows somebody who lives in California, moving in might not be a good idea. This state has the most ridiculous housing prices, with this, house rentals and even rooms rentals are extremely high as well. Prepare your wallet because you need to pay $1500 for a closet size room.


  1. Nuclear Waste

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20 tons of nuclear waste is generated by Diablo Canyon Power which supports 7% of the state’s electricity. For the past years, the residents are worrying that an explosion might happen, creates environmentally damaging pollution, and harmful radiation. The Fukushima incident further added to the community's concern about potential explosion due to earthquakes.


  1. Target for terrorism

Aside for being a perfect place for terrorist attacks due to population count, unfortunately, its distance is in striking distance of North Korea. Also, it is being reported that Russia is “quietly ‘seeding’ the U.S. shoreline with nuclear ‘mole’ missiles”. There are news saying that defense officials have warned that North Korea is on the brink of producing an ICBM [intercontinental ballistic missile] that could target the United States.


  1. Rise in Illegal Drug use

There is an estimated three million people in California who are addicted to illegal drugs. With this, 10% suffers from the physical and mental consequences of drug abuse. Variety of illegal drugs is available in the state, the most popular are heroin, prescription painkillers, and methamphetamines. These highly addictive substance can cause several problem not just to the users but also to the people around them.


  1. People love to sue

addiction, aid, bottle

The U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform has placed California 47th out of 50 on its “lawsuit climate” scale. In Golden State, class action lawsuit is the most popular. In this kind of lawsuit, people who have been harmed by a big company can group together, find a law firm and file a lawsuit on behalf of the entire class of people. There is a great amount of money in these type of lawsuit, it might not be the aim of most but it is for some.


No place is perfectly ideal. California is such a wonderful and promising place, there are just some things that are undesirable to a place, same as to people.

Disneyland’s Hot and Cheesy Cone- a Limited Time Offer

Disneyland’s Hot and Cheesy Cone- a Limited Time Offer

Disneyland’s One Hot and Cheesy Cone- a Limited Time Offer

Disneyland is always a majestic place- impressive fireworks, fun and exciting rides, colorful and lively parades. We must never forget Disneyland’s uniquely delicious and wonderfully designed treats. This treats will make you think twice- to eat or not to eat. When in the theme park, you’ll see people taking pictures, not just of the place but of their food! That’s how cool it is, so picturesque!

Disneyland Paris, Fireworks, Show

On the other hand, let’s talk about the ever so tasty- Mac and Cheese. Did you know that this tasty dish had been enjoyed by people since the thirteenth century? Making its way up to this day just shows how its flavor was loved by almost everyone. This mixture of pasta and cheese sauce- mainly cheddar, had been incorporated with other ingredients- bacon, chicken, broccoli, carrots, bread crumbs and a lot more that may add color and taste. Traditional mac and cheese are baked but nowadays, it can be made on top of the stove and for those who doesn’t have time for cooking, packaged mix is already available.

With Disneyland’s creative team and the people’s love for mac and cheese arise these limited time offer of Slow Burnin' Mac and Cheese in a cone! This treat is created to add to the feel of the upcoming Halloween celebration. To give it some Halloween style, this dish is made of three vibrant colors- black, orange and red.

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Black is for its cone bread. Jet black food made from activated charcoal are on trend nowadays. Like what others say, rainbow craze is out and black is in! We can now see black everywhere, from streets, fast foods and on restaurants. Now there are black burgers, macaroons, ice cream, icings and a lot more. Using these color makes the other ingredients’ color pop up, making every part of it look fresh and tasty. And having a black cone for these dish really made the orange color of the mac and cheese more eye catching. But wait, there’s more! This black cone made from activated charcoal has several health benefits, including teeth whitening, digestive cleansing, and detoxifying and alleviating skin problems! Ooops! That’s just the cone, we still have two more on this exciting.

Orange is obviously for the mac and cheese, an OOHHwesomely delicious mac and cheese! This is one spicy dish as it is not made with plain sauce but with a warm red pepper cheese sauce. It may be spicy but it still contain the tangy taste of our most loved mac and cheese.

Red is for its toppings. This treat is topped with “crushed chile-cheese puffs”, Disneyland’s version of the famous Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. This crushed puffs adds more spice on your every bite.

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So, if you love spicy foods, this one is worth a try! The mixture or salty, creamy and spicy taste which the cone bread balances is really an exciting dish. This treat may be found in Disneyland's California Adventure, over at the Cozy Cone Motel inside of Cars Land. It may be bought for a very fine price of $8.99!

There is a plus when you buy this treat, an Instaworthy post! No need for fancy photo editors as the treat is naturally magnificent! But, unfortunately, this is again- for a limited time only! These wonderful treat will only be available until October 31, so why wait? Hurry and grab yours now!

California Wildfire 2017: Destroyed, Damaged and Killed

California Wildfire 2017: Destroyed, Damaged and Killed

California Wildfire 2017: Destroyed, Damaged and Killed

Wildfires are unpredictable and may happen anywhere. It may destroy structure, can cause severe injuries and even death. It can start in secluded wilderness areas, in parks, or even in your back yard. Wildfires mat start from natural causes, such as lightning and high weather temperature but it may also be accidentally- cigarettes, campfire, etc. - and/or intentionally caused by human.

Firefighters douse flames as a home burns in the Napa wine region in California

Unfortunately, this life-threatening event is hitting California at this very moment- early days of October, 2017. In three straight days these wildfire has already killed 15 people, the highest recorded death caused by wildfires. Nine died in Sonoma County, three in Mendocino County, two were in Napa County and one was in Yuba County- these cities have been recorded to have the largest fire burning. There are already more than 100 recorded injuries that are being treated in Napa and Sonoma hospitals. And, more than 100 phone calls had been received by Sonoma’s missing person hotline. These three cities was already declared to be in a state of Emergency by Gov. Jerry Brown. “The Federal Emergency Management Agency has responded promptly to assist California in fighting these terrible fires,” Mr. Brown said in a statement. “I appreciate the fast response from the president.”

The two recorded death was the death of 98 years old, Sara Rippey and his husband, 100 years old Charles Rippey. According to their granddaughter Ruby Gibney during an interview, the couple was unable to escape the blaze. It was also said that their caregiver tried to save them. "She went down to get my father and all the windows just started to explode and (there was) smoke and heat and all that everywhere," their son Chuck Rippey told NBC Bay Area. "She just couldn't find them." For Gibney, it will be worst if one survived without the other.

A view of a San Francisco gulf as smoke covers the sun as a wildfire from the Santa Rosa and Napa Valley moves through the


Image result for california wildfireThere are already damaged cell towers that are affecting the means of communication in Napa city. In a news conference Tuesday, Mark Ghilarducci, director of the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, admitted that many evacuees are struggling to access alerts or get in touch with each other. He also said that across Northern California, 77 cell sites were already destroyed or damaged, and that the state is generating mobile communications units to help.

This wildfire that said to have started last Sunday, October 18, 2017, has already covered collectively 115,000 acres in 17 Northern California fires in eight counties. It has already destroyed at least 1,500 structures. There are said to be a total of 20,000 people to evacuate the state’s famous wine county.

Flames rise from the remains of a burned commercial building Monday in Santa Rosa, California.

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection said early Tuesday that they will be expecting some progress already as the weather condition improves. The winds that pushed the fire to spread out rapidly and unpredictably is dying down significantly according to the department’s assistant deputy director, Daniel Berlant. But all 17 fires remained active, and several of the largest had not been contained on Tuesday morning.

According to Ken Pimlott, the director of the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, it is too early to say what the real cause of fire was. He pointed out that 95 percent of fires in the state were caused by humans in some manner and said that even a small spark, in windy, dry weather conditions like those on Sunday, could grow quickly into a large fire. “These fires came down into neighborhoods before people realized they were occurring in many cases,” Mr. Pimlott said. “Some of these folks were literally just sleeping at home in bed and had no idea.”

Fires are evident Monday in this Junior Olivas photo at Disneyland California Adventure Park in Anaheim.

Aside from the three cities in Northern California, Anaheim- a Southern California County- Canyon 2 fire has already damaged 24 structure and injured one in the 7,500 acre that had been burned.  Hundreds of firefighters rushed to the area, as a freeway was closed and several neighborhoods were forced to evacuate. Crews had begun to contain that fire, which destroyed about a dozen homes in East Anaheim, by Tuesday. The picture from Disneyland showed how the smoke from the fire gave the sky an orange glow.

A Napa County firefighter battles flames. (Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)

At this moment, the whole nation- even the whole world- is hoping that all will be well in the next few days, no structures will be destroyed, no other cities will be affected and no more family will lose their loved ones. With all of these challenges, California will rise up and bring back what the fire had destroyed, from buildings, houses, vineyards, and even family’s hopes and the smile on its people.

What it has to offer: Yosemite National Park

What it has to offer: Yosemite National Park

What it has to offer: Yosemite National Park

Do you love exploring nature and photography? Enjoys trekking, hiking and climbing? Well, Yosemite National Park is the best place for you! Located in spanning portions of Tuolumne, Mariposa and Madera counties in Northern California, you’ll be able to enjoy the magnificence of Mother Nature and the beauty of life.

Yosemite is not just a plain valley but a sanctuary to human eyes. It is popularly known for its waterfalls but its span 1,200 square miles also embodies beautiful valleys, wilderness area, and several activities such as hiking, climbing and different winter activities. The strength of granite, the power of glaciers, the persistence of life, and the tranquility of the High Sierra may also be seen. Due to its beauty, visitation records last 2016 reached 5 million for the first time in history.

Green Forest Trees Between Beige Rock Formation Under Clear Sky during Daylight
Yosemite is one of the biggest and least fragmented habitat blocks in the Sierra Nevada, and the park supports a diversity of plants and animals. The park contains five major vegetation zones: chaparral/oak woodland, lower mountain forest, upper mountain forest, subalpine zone, and alpine. Of California's 7,000 plant classes, about 50% is in the Sierra Nevada and more than 20% contained by Yosemite.
Since Yosemite spans a lot of portion, it contains several tourist locations and activities. Below, is a list of some of what Yosemite National Park has to offer.

1. Half Dome, a granite dome located in Yosemite Valley is a popular hiking and climbing. It is well known due to its distinct shape in which it was named after. It is rising at 5,000 feet above Yosemite Valley and 8,800 above sea level. It is considered as Yosemite’s ultimate day hike- one thing you must not miss to do in your entire existence. If you’ll be taking the Mist Trail, you will see the 300 meters worth of spectacular waterfalls at the bottom.
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2. Mirror Lake, is a seasonal lake in Tenaya Creek. It is directly located between the Half Dome and North Dome. Whenever the water in the lake is calm, it reflects the beautiful cliff surrounding it. Mirror Lake is the biggest swimming hole in Yosemite, so expect to find people of all shapes and sizes in this place. This lake is also Yosemite’s easiest trail hike.
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3. Glacier Point, is the place where you can view Yosemite Valley, Half Dome, Yosemite falls, and the high country. This is a good starting and/or finishing point for any of Yosemite’s popular trails. It is accessible by car from late May to October or November. But, from December to March skiers can enjoy this view after skiing 10.5 miles.

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4. El Capitan, a vertical rock formation in Yosemite National Park. It is located at the north side of Yosemite Valley. The name El Capitan was formed by Mariposa Battalion when they explored the valley in 1851. El Capitan is composed of mainly granite. This granite standing stone extends about 3,000 feet or 900 meters from base to summit in its tallest face. It is also considered as the most photographed and contains ultimate challenges for climbers.

Green Pine Trees in Front of a Rock Mountain

5. Vernal Falls is considered the most loved by camera in all of the falls in Yosemite National Park. It is 400 feet from the peak to the rocks and streams below. It might not be as tall as the other falls in Yosemite, it is considered to be the strongest and widest in the park. Vernal Fall is bordered by a rock staircase that may help hikers to easily access the various parts of the fall and the trails on foot. If you want to walk to the base of the fall, the most accessible hike contains the Vernal Fall Footbridge.

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6. Tuolumne River runs for 240 km through Central California, from the high Sierra Nevada to link the San Joaquin River in the Central Valley. In Tuolumne Meadows, the Tuolumne River sustains the higher slopes of mountains and situated river banks. Like other rivers in California, it is also dammed several times for irrigation an generation of hydroelectricity.

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7. Yosemite Valley is a glacial valley located in Yosemite National Park, mainly in the western Sierra Nevada Mountains. Though the valley is only seven miles long and less than a mile wide, it showcase a wonderful scenery that will really rank higher than other destinations. In this valley, numerous activities may be done as well. Tourists may rent or bring their own bike and cycle along the paths of the valley. Rafting may also be done in the Merced River. There are activities for your little ones as well, like the outdoor watercolor workshop.

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These are just few of the beautiful spots in Yosemite Park. You’ll surely go home with not just a wonderful experience but also with Instagram worthy photos. So, why wait? Go and visit this reach and picturesque gift of nature!

State Bliss

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